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Explore Education Abroad
Identities Abroad

Identities Abroad

The University of Michigan is committed to the values of diversity, equity, and inclusion, and encourages all Wolverines to go abroad.

As you consider international travel, it’s important to recognize that different social identities may impact your experience abroad in unique ways. We’ve gathered a collection of resources to help you explore how your social identities may influence where you choose to travel and affect the way you experience life in another country.

Read stories by students with identities similar to yours, review recommendations for how to find and prepare for international travel, and explore links to resources for a deeper dive.

Researching opportunities, learning about your host country, and leveraging available resources can help you take greater ownership of your international experience.

"My recommendation to other students is to simply get uncomfortable in your study abroad experience. The world changes rapidly, so enter it upon graduation with a strong sense of self, and the knowing of your capacity to adapt, overcome, and do hard things!"

Rachael Rich
College of Literature, Science and the Arts

"My favorite memory from studying abroad was when I was invited to spend the day outside of Madrid with some friends I had met who were from Spain. It was such an enjoyable and unforgettable experience because I hadn’t truly considered the possibility of developing profound friendships with locals and the little things they would teach me that would make my experience so fun"

Charlie Weissman
Ross School of Business

"The journey was a vibrant experience of cultural immersion and personal growth and I hope everyone can experience something like this in their life!"

Emy Guttman
School of Public Health

"Facing new challenges, learning new lessons, taking new risks, acquiring more independence, meeting new people and falling in love with new places, learning a new language, learning more about who I am to myself — it might be quicker to ask, what doesn't motivate me to study abroad."

Valerija Malashevich
College of Literature, Science and the Arts
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