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Travel Safety and Wellness
In Case of Emergency

In Case of Emergency

The following resources will assist U-M travelers abroad in need of emergency support from the university.


Emergency FAQs

An emergency situation is one that has impacted, or is likely to impact, the health and safety of the traveler. Examples may include major crime, serious accident, major physical or mental health situation (including family emergencies, such as death or hospitalization), being a victim of sexual assault/misconduct, detention or arrest, lost person, kidnapping, civil unrest, or natural disaster.

A non-emergency situation does not immediately impact the health and safety of the traveler, yet may still require assistance. Non-emergencies may include lost passport, wallet, luggage, etc.; visa assistance; canceled or delayed flight; or minor illness or injury, etc. For non-emergency situations, travelers should follow the non-emergency protocols of the on-site contact or the sponsoring U-M department, which may include contact via email or calling the contact during business hours.

When in doubt, treat health, safety, and security situations as emergencies and follow protocols.

Contact the U-M Division of Public Safety and Security (DPSS):

+1 734-763-1131 (Ann Arbor)
+1 313-593-5333 (Dearborn)
+1 810-762-3333 (Flint)

Let the DPSS emergency responder know that you are a U-M traveler abroad. DPSS will transfer you to a U-M emergency responder.

Download and save the General Emergency Protocols for U-M International Travelers document and program emergency the contact numbers into your phone.
