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New Faculty-Led Education Abroad Program Grants

July 11, 2024

Funded by the Vice Provost for Engaged Learning’s Global Engagement Strategic Plan, launched in 2023, two new grant programs aim to encourage the development of new faculty-led education abroad programs at the University of Michigan. In Academic Year 2024-2025, ten grants of up to $24,000 each (up to $4,000 to support the faculty leader and up to $20,000 in matching funding to support student participants) will be awarded across the following categories:

  • New Faculty-Led Education Abroad Programs in Nearby International Locations
    Short-term programs led by faculty from a student’s home institution can provide a gateway to global learning experiences for first-time international travelers. To increase accessibility and affordability of education abroad, these grants will support new short-term programs in nearby international locations in North America. Eligible regions include Canada, Greenland, Mexico, and the Caribbean.
  • New Faculty-Led Education Abroad Programs in Less-Traveled Destinations
    University of Michigan students, and U.S. students in general, predominantly study abroad in a handful of countries, mostly in Europe. To diversify the range of opportunities across the globe for U-M students, these grants will support new short-term programs in one of the following eligible regions: Africa, Asia, Central America, and South America. Priority will be given to applications for programs in countries with historically fewer U-M travelers.

Eligibility Criteria:

  • Applicant must be a faculty or staff member employed on the University of Michigan – Ann Arbor campus
  • Applicant must be leading a new education abroad program
  • The new education abroad program must be offered for credit and/or tied to a course
  • The new program must include travel to an eligible international location listed above
  • Short-term programs are defined as those 8 weeks or less in duration

A complete application consists of a questionnaire, statement of purpose, budget, and letter of support.

Applications will be accepted year-round, with three review and selection periods annually. The next deadline for submission is September 27, 2024.

Apply Now!

Questions? Contact Amy Carey, assistant vice provost for international engagement, at