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Insights from Afar
Copenhagen, Denmark
Jada Fair

Student Perspective: Jada in Copenhagen

Jada Fair
School of Nursing

“I had always wanted to do this specific program because of my interest in reproductive health and midwifery. Additionally, I had never traveled abroad before, so I looked forward to engaging with and learning more about other cultures.

My biggest takeaway from this experience was that there is so much more to see in the world than what one is typically used to or surrounded by. Some so many people and places can teach you valuable lessons if you’re in the right mindset, which is why it is so important to be open-minded and willing to take in these experiences as they come. One thing I would do differently is pace myself, in the beginning, a bit better as far as doing activities and sightseeing. We got a lot done in the first couple of weeks, but it drained us mentally and physically and left us with fewer options to explore during the last couple of weeks. A core memory I have from the trip is our last night there. We moved housing locations halfway through, so some girls I lived with the first half and I walked back to Nyhavn, our original area (while getting poured on in the rain), and went to our favorite ice cream shop. I included a picture of the street lit up that night, it was a beautiful farewell!

Studying abroad did positively impact my career goals, as I took a health and birth class during the first half. I have always had the goal of becoming a nurse-midwife, but this course made me realize how passionate I am about the profession and further reinforced my decision to go to graduate school for midwifery in the future. The biggest challenge I faced was missing people back home, but that is why it is so important to find your people abroad because they are most likely going through the same emotions, and you can all be there to support each other. I would 100% recommend studying abroad to other students. It is a once-in-a-lifetime experience that you can participate in before you have other responsibilities tying you down or holding you back. Not only that, but it pushes you to step out of your comfort zone and explore who you truly are. You will make friends and gain experiences that you will never forget.

The First-Gen Education Abroad Scholarship allowed me to focus solely on my study abroad experience without having to stress and worry about the financial aspect of it as highly as I would have otherwise. 

My personal growth in the area of independence was highly impacted during my study abroad journey in a positive way. As mentioned above, I had never had the opportunity to travel abroad before this, so I had to learn how to navigate the challenges that come with studying abroad such as traveling alone, communicating with locals, shopping, homesickness, etc. This experience definitely instilled confidence and a sense of self in me that would have otherwise taken much longer in life to develop.

My biggest piece of advice for future study abroad students is to be open to every experience offered while studying abroad. Focus on taking in everything around you while you’re there in the moment. It’s also beneficial to journal daily because it’s impossible to remember everything and it gives you something aside from photos and videos to reminisce on.”