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Preparing for your Travel
Register Your Travel

Register Your Travel

The University Travel Registry is a confidential and secure database for maintaining critical international travel information for faculty, staff, and students. This database’s contents are kept per the University of Michigan’s privacy notice, and information is gathered to locate and communicate with travelers, respond to emergencies, and serve as the central source of anonymous, aggregated travel abroad data for institutional reporting. The University does not share travel registry data outside of these stated business purposes.

Note: Per federal regulations, U-M personnel with security clearance must also report all international travel to the Facility Security Officer via Registering with the U-M Travel Registry does not fulfill this requirement. 


Register your international travel and find other important information at M-Compass.

Student Registration

Faculty & Staff

U-M faculty and staff — and individuals who are not U-M employees, but are traveling on University of Michigan-related business — may also use this registry.

Faculty & Staff Registration


Steps for Registering Group Travel

Start by determining whether the trip you are considering qualifies, then continue with other steps.

Step 1
Determine What Qualifies as Group Travel Abroad

As described in the U-M International Travel Policy SPG 601.31, Group Travel Abroad refers to U-M Related Travel that meets all of the following criteria:

  • The travel is UMRT.
  • The group consists of a cohort of Student participants with similar program experience dates, itinerary, and related activities at the destination.
  • A group leader is assuming some responsibility for the group, such as supporting students and serving as the point of contact in the event of an emergency. The group leader can be a U-M student or a faculty or staff member who is leading the group within the context of their job responsibilities.
  • A U-M program organizer or a U-M group leader exercises some element of control by making travel logistic decisions on behalf of the participants, such as choosing accommodations and/or modes of transportation.

Group Travel Abroad may be for study, research, joint project work, fieldwork, athletic or other competitions, musical performances, Sponsored Student Organization travel that are formally sanctioned by a U-M unit as a Sponsored Event, or similar University activities.

Step 2
Prepare for Student Group Travel Abroad to a Higher Risk Destination

  • If your UMRT-related group travel abroad is going to a higher risk destination (e.g. Travel Health Medium Risk, Travel Health High Risk, Travel Warning, or Travel Restriction), the group program leader must complete a Group Safety Plan for ITOC approval. (See example of Group Safety Plan)
  • Group safety plans should be submitted at least four weeks before making non-refundable purchases towards a trip in the event that travel is not approved or must be postponed. Participants should also avoid making any financial commitments toward travel until after the Group Safety Plan and other participation requirements have been completed.

Step 3
Submit a Request Form

  • To begin the process of registering for group travel, you must submit a Student Group Travel Registration Request Form and list all students and affiliated participants.
  • The Global Engagement Team will review this request and assist with the travel registration process.

Make your Group Travel Request here.