The Provost’s Office holds U-M’s signature authority for academic cooperation and educational program agreements with international institutions. Activities under the purview of the Provost’s Office include:
For U-M purposes, a Memorandum of Understanding (“MOU”) is a general, non-legally binding document that is used as the first step between U-M and a foreign institution at the initial stage of establishing their collaborative relationship – the institutions want or need to formalize and document the relationship, but are not yet ready to undertake any specific programs, projects, or activities. An MOU states that the institutions want to work together and cooperate in developing various future programs/projects/activities.
The U-M Office of Research (UMOR) holds signature authority for activities that involve sponsored research projects, external funding, or specific research deliverables. View UMOR-sponsored project agreement guidelines and unfunded agreement types. Examples of UMOR agreement activities include:
Procurement Services holds signature authority for contracts and invoices associated with all U-M purchases from outside vendors. View guidelines for the procurement of education abroad goods and services. Examples of international procurement items include:
Learn how to file an academic cooperation and educational program agreement.
Resources for U-M faculty and staff beginning an international agreement filing process are available in the form of various agreement templates for academic cooperation and educational programs. Utilizing standard templates shortens review and processing time for agreements.