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Travel Safety and Wellness
Health & Insurance Resources

Health & Insurance Resources

Travelers should carefully consider personal health needs when traveling abroad, especially when they will be immersed in an unfamiliar culture and away from their everyday support systems. These resources can assist travelers in making informed pre-departure plans, mitigating health risks, and taking ownership of their wellness while abroad.

GeoBlue Travel Abroad Health Insurance

What is GeoBlue?

GeoBlue is health insurance for U-M travelers abroad and provides coverage for reasonable expenses including: physician office / hospital visits, mental health services, telehealth services, prescribed medications overseas, emergency evacuation, Post-Departure Trip Interruption (PDTI), and more. Note – This is NOT trip/travel insurance.


Students from all U-M campuses who travel abroad on University of Michigan Related Travel (UMRT) must have U-M Travel Abroad Health Insurance. UMRT may include (but is not limited to) study, research, internships, service, conferences, presentations, teaching, performances, or athletic competitions.

Student insurance is currently managed by GeoBlue (Educational Plan). Some students will need to purchase travel abroad health insurance individually. For other students, the sending program / department / unit may decide to purchase travel abroad health insurance for them on their behalf. Always verify prior to departure.


Faculty and staff traveling internationally for UMRT are covered under the University’s blanket travel abroad health insurance policy with GeoBlue’s Business Traveler Plan.

Personal/Leisure Travel

For international non-UMRT (i.e., personal/leisure travel), all students, faculty, and staff are eligible to individually purchase GeoBlue’s Personal/Leisure Plan.

GeoBlue Enrollment

After enrolling in GeoBlue, complete these steps so that you are prepared in the event of a medical incident abroad: 

  • Explore GeoBlue’s Pre-Departure Program: provides consultations for planning healthcare needs in your host destination. Complete the questionnaire and request follow-up from a clinician.
  • Register your GeoBlue account after enrollment to access the member portal.
  • Download GeoBlue Mobile App
  • Access GeoBlue’s Member Hub after registering your account. You can review the Destination Dashboard, locate international providers, schedule appointments for when you are abroad, and explore health and safety tools.

What is the Post-Departure Trip Interruption Benefit?

GeoBlue Study Abroad plan (students) includes a post-departure trip interruption benefit. Post-departure trip interruption coverage provides a benefit to you if your trip is interrupted or must be discontinued for any of the following reasons:

❏ Due to a covered illness or injury that is disabling and causes a reasonable person to delay, cancel, or interrupt their trip. This benefit will reimburse for additional transportation expenses needed to reach the scheduled end point of your trip or to travel from where your trip was interrupted to where you can rejoin your trip.

❏ Due to a diagnosis with or a positive test for an infectious disease that delays your return to your home destination because of restrictions placed on travel from a possible exposure or quarantine, and as a result, you are unable to use your previously booked return travel to your home location. This benefit will reimburse you for returning home from your current location outside the U.S.

What is the coverage amount?

For the instances outlined, the benefit will pay up to the maximum amount of $2,500 per coverage year for the cost of a one-way economy class airfare ticket to reach your destination. The amounts paid will not exceed the cost of economy airfare by the most direct route on the next available carrier. Suppose you must quarantine or delay your return to meet exit/entry requirements while covered under this health insurance policy. In that case, you will be reimbursed for reasonable lodging and meal expenses incurred due to the quarantine*. The benefit will pay up to the maximum of $3,750 per coverage year and is limited to $250 per day for a maximum of 15 days per calendar year.

*GeoBlue reimburses qualified quarantine costs when the host government mandates quarantine outside of your housing. The lodging benefit does not apply if your current housing meets your host country’s quarantine or self-isolation rules. Coverage details are outlined in the GeoBlue Student Member Guide 2024/25.

What steps do you need to take advantage of this benefit and submit a claim?

❏ Ensure verification from a medical facility or medical professional demonstrates that you received a positive test for an infectious disease. This positive test must delay your return to your home destination due to restrictions placed on travel due to a possible exposure or quarantine. As a result, you cannot use your previously booked return travel to your home location.

❏ Pay outright for the expense(s) (i.e., change flight fees, reasonable meals, and hotel/accommodations), keep the receipt for proof of payment, and file a claim via the Member Hub to be reimbursed. If you are unsure if the expense is covered, please call GeoBlue’s global service center to verify and begin the claims process as stated. For full benefits and exclusions, please reference the certificate of insurance on the Member Hub.

Members will need to submit the claim form along with the following documentation for reimbursement:

❏ Doctor’s note

❏ Documentation showing positive test results

❏ Itemized invoice/receipts

❏ Proof of payment

Note: This benefit is only available to those on the GeoBlue U-M Study Abroad Plan. Any U-M student traveling for education or co-curricular purposes is eligible for the GeoBlue U-M Study Abroad Plan.


If you have any questions regarding this benefit, please contact GeoBlue. GeoBlue’s Global Service Center is available 24/7/365 at +1-844-268-2686 (if calling from inside the U.S.) or +1-610-263-2847 (if calling from outside the U.S.). 

GeoBlue PDTI Flyer

On-Campus Services & Resources

  • U-M Travel Health Preparation Guide: This tool helps students identify and plan for health care needs during international travel. Travelers are encouraged to answer the questions in the guide and consult with a health care provider, UHS, and/or CAPS where appropriate.
  • Managing Mental Health Abroad: Learn about common study abroad stressors, travel myths, and U-M resources to help you manage your mental health while abroad.
  • Resilient Travel – Managing Stress and Enhancing your Experience Abroad: A module-based online resource that helps travelers think proactively about personal challenges and build skills to successfully cope with difficult situations. The Resilient Traveling toolkit includes common problems, videos of authentic student stories, practice exercises, and a confidential self-assessment that provides recommendations for support resources and coping strategies.
  • UHS Travel Health Service: All travelers are encouraged to make appointments with their primary care physicians or UHS for a physical before departure. UHS can also provide immunizations, prescriptions, and advice tailored to specific destinations and health conditions.
  • UMHS Overseas Travel Clinic: The University of Michigan Health System (UMHS) Overseas Travel Clinic is available by appointment to Michigan Medicine employees who are traveling for Michigan Medicine business related purposes only (not for leisure travel).  The specialized team at the Overseas Travel Clinic offers services to prepare you for your trip, resources to guide you while you travel, and follow up care should you develop symptoms upon your return.
  • Counseling and Psychological Services: Before departure, U-M students are encouraged to visit their counselor or their campus’ Counseling and Psychological Services (Ann Arbor, Dearborn, and Flint) to discuss strategies to manage mental health needs abroad and after returning home.
  • Faculty and Staff Counseling and Consultation Office: Faculty and staff may receive counseling services from FASCCO

Additional Health Resources

  • CDC Travel Health Notices: Learn about current health issues that impact travelers’ health, like disease outbreaks, special events or gatherings, or natural disasters in destinations around the world.
  • CDC Travelers’ Health: Travelers are encouraged to visit the CDC Travelers’ Health website to research public health issues, vaccination requirements/recommendations, and health-related entry/exit requirements for your destination/s.
  • CDC Advice for Students: Prepare for a safe and healthy study abroad experience by following the CDC’s travel health tips for students.

Crisis24 Horizon is a one-stop shop for location-based travel risk management, including health-related resources.

  • Review advice sheets for various health and safety-related situations. U-M user can search the catalog of topics, which include but are not limited to:
    • Advice on Jet Lag
    • Air Travel Health Precautions
    • Insect Bite Precautions
    • Sun and Heat Concerns
    • Traveling with Allergies
    • Water Treatment Methods
    • and more
  • Check out the “Health and Medical” section of location briefs for over 200+ countries, 800+ provinces, and 400+ cities.

Crisis24 Horizon

UHS Travel Health Services

Visit Travel Health Services at University Health Services to get immunizations, prescriptions, and advice tailored to your destination abroad.

Visit THS

GeoBlue Pre-Departure Program

Utilize GeoBlue’s Pre-departure Program to consult with a GeoBlue clinician before departure. They can assist you with implementing your medical management plan when you reach your destination, if requested.

GeoBlue Program

Counseling & Psychological Services

Students can visit Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) to discuss strategies for adapting to a new environment and managing mental health needs abroad and after returning home.

Visit CAPS

Services for Students with Disabilities

Students can start the process of exploring disability-related accommodations before selecting and departing for your international destination.

Visit SSD