The University of Michigan-Shanghai Jiao Tong University Joint Institute (JI) is a unique partnership that facilitates study abroad for U-M students in China, dual degrees and accelerated master’s degree programs for JI students in Ann Arbor, and diverse opportunities for faculty collaboration. The Joint Institute was formally established in 2006.
This page summarizes the U-M Global Degree Pathways for JI students. At the U-M, these pathways are referred to as accelerated master’s degree programs (AMDPs).
Students should select Automotive Engineering if they want the challenge of adapting today’s transportation systems to various technologies. This program emphasizes engineering fundamentals and practice with focus on recent advances in automotive engineering. Learning about all the complexities involved in designing and improving the auto industry makes the Masters of Automotive Engineering competitive and uniquely special. Application Deadline: December 15th for Fall admission with decisions issued by February 1st. September 15th for Winter admission with decisions issued in November. Additional details: Integrative Systems + Design.
This program provides you with all the tools you need to be a leader in technology, scientific discovery, or any career of your choice. As an ECE student, you will enjoy the many advantages that come from engaging with world-renowned faculty in a top-10 ranked program – in an exciting community that values diversity, teamwork, new ideas, and YOU. Application Deadline: January 15th for Fall admission with decisions issued in March. Additional details: Electrical and Computer Engineering.
The Master of Energy Systems Engineering is designed for students who are motivated to take on the challenges facing society in the areas of sustainable energy generation, storage, and conversion. In this program, you will learn about alternative and conventional energy technologies, the societal and environmental impact of technology developments, and the economic benefits of those developments. The curriculum takes a holistic approach and exposes you to courses from across disciplines, including engineering, natural and social sciences, public policy, environmental science, and business. Application Deadline: December 15th for Fall admission with decisions issued by February 1st. September 15th for Winter admission with decisions issued in November. Additional details: Integrative Systems + Design.
This program is designed to meet the needs of a global audience. It prepares students to work virtually and collaboratively and develop the competency to build and lead global teams. It integrates core elements of both automotive design and manufacturing, and provides students with an opportunity to develop depth in an engineering specialty as well as breadth in engineering and knowledge of basic management practices. Application Deadline: December 15th for Fall admission with decisions issued by February 1st. September 15th for Winter admission with decisions issued in November. Additional details: Integrative Systems + Design.
This program prepares students to improve the quality and efficiency of manufacturing systems. It helps them to develop advanced skills in their engineering disciplines and an understanding of the complete product development and manufacturing process, including significant management skills. Application Deadline: December 15th for Fall admission with decisions issued by February 1st. September 15th for Winter admission with decisions issued in November. Additional details: Integrative Systems + Design.
The Mechanical Engineering (ME) department at the University of Michigan takes a multidisciplinary approach to research and learning. The Master’s program strikes a unique balance of trend-setting research, challenging coursework and real-world impact that is highly respected around the world. This pathway helps students directly pursue their ME Master’s degree and typically requires one term fewer than had they applied to other programs. Application Deadline: December 15th for Fall admission with decisions issued by February 1st. Additional details: Mechanical Engineering.
The mission of the Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering (NAME) Department is to be a world leader in the education of engineers in the application of engineering principles for the marine environment by providing the leading graduate education and research program in engineering for the marine environment, one which spans a broad range of inquiry. Application Deadline: December 15th for Fall admission with decisions issued by February 1st. Additional details: Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering.
Systems engineering touches everything: from telescopes that orbit tens of thousands of miles above the Earth to cars that we drive every day. Systems engineers and their work have a major impact on the modern world. This program offers you the flexibility and individualization to make the degree your own and equip you for a career in systems engineering. Once you graduate from the program, you will be prepared for the exam leading to certification as an Associate Systems Engineering Professional. Application Deadline: December 15th for Fall admission with decisions issued by February 1st. September 15th for Winter admission with decisions issued in November. Additional details: Integrative Systems + Design.
The graduate program in applied economics at the University of Michigan offers preparation for the wide range of careers now open to professional economists in academic, business, and government sectors. The Department’s faculty and graduates have long been involved in leading developments in research and teaching and in governmental economic policies. The graduate programs are designed to continue this tradition, by providing their students with rigorous analytical and practical training. Application deadline: January 15th for Fall admission with decisions issued in March. Additional details: Applied Economics.
There is an increasing demand for students with background in applied statistics in industry, government and higher education. This program provides a fast track for undergraduate students with strong mathematical and computing backgrounds to obtain a Master’s degree in applied statistics from the University of Michigan.With the massive amount of data collected in the world every second, statisticians at all levels are needed to help make sense of this data, quantify uncertainty, develop new tools and methodologies, and analyze their properties. Application Deadline: March 15 for Fall admission with decisions issued in May. Additional details: Applied Statistics.
The School for Environment and Sustainability (SEAS) provides the training and networking opportunities you need to become a leader in the field of sustainability. Our interdisciplinary approach joins natural and social scientists, designers, policy-makers, engineers, and other disciplines. The Accelerated Master’s Degree Program (AMPD) or Global Degree Pathways (GDP) is a 2-year MS or 3- year MLA joint program. Application Deadline: April 1st for Fall admission. Additional details: MS Program or MLA Program.
This professional degree prepares students for emerging careers that meet the rapidly growing information needs of an increasingly interconnected world. This degree program offers a hands-on curriculum with a multidisciplinary approach to the study of information. We offer depth in areas of: Data Science and Analytics, Computational Social Science, User Experience (UX) Research and Design, Human-Computer Interaction, Information Management and Strategy, and User-Centered Agile Development.Graduates are highly sought after and go on to leadership roles within the field of information in organizations around the world. This is a 3.5 + 2 year Global Degree Pathway Program. Application Deadline (please apply during junior year): January 15th for Fall admission. Additional details: School of Information.
Ideal for non-business majors who are graduating this year or completed their undergraduate studies less than two years ago, this 10-month program offers an action-based curriculum, high-impact leadership development, and a dynamic, purposely-designed career search preparation program to power your potential and help you land your ideal job. Admissions option 1: Spend winter term (January through April) as a non-degree undergraduate student at the University of Michigan prior to starting the MM program in June. Admissions option 2: Graduate from the UM-SJTU Joint Institute early, and join the MM program at the normal start date, typically in mid-June. Additional application details: Michigan Ross.