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Travel Safety and Wellness
Country Risk Ratings


Overall Country Risk Rating

Travel Health Medium Risk

Affected Areas: Entire country except Travel Restriction areas


Travel Restriction

Affected Areas: The cities of Kandi and Tanguieta; North from Kandi and Tanguieta to the Niger / Burkina Faso border; The Pendjari and W National Parks; The Pendjari, Atacora, and Djona Hunting Zones; Route Nationale Inter-Etats 7 (RNIE 7) between Banikora and Segbana; Route Nationale 10 (RN 10) between Nikki and Segbana

Last Updated: June 14, 2024

Eligibility & Requirements

Benin currently has a U-M Travel Health Medium Risk rating, with specific regions of the country having a U-M Regional Travel Restriction risk rating. 

  1. Determine whether the cities or locations you visit are within a Travel Health Medium Risk area or within a Regional Travel Restriction area.
  2. For cities or locations within a Travel Health Medium Risk area:
  1. For cities or locations within a Travel Restriction area:
    • Undergraduate students are prohibited from traveling to a Travel Restriction destination for UMRT.
    • Graduate students on UMRT are eligible to travel to this location after completing the following requirements:
      1. Register your travel with U-M (For students who applied for their program through M-Compass, your program application is your travel registration.)
      2. For individual travel abroad, submit an Individual Safety Plan at least 3 weeks before departure. (See Travel Health Plan & Safety Plan Process for details.)
        • For students participating in Group Travel Abroad, your group leader will submit a “Group Safety Plan” on behalf of the participants; meaning individual students do NOT need to submit an Individual Safety Plan. (See Group Travel Requirements for details.)
      3. Enroll in U-M Travel Abroad Health Insurance for the travel duration. 
      4. Follow college/unit-specific travel approval steps, if any.

*Note: If your travel itinerary includes locations/cities that are Travel Health Medium Risk locations and Regional Travel Restriction locations, you only need to submit one (1) Safety Plan. If your travel itinerary only includes locations / cities that are Travel Health Medium Risk locations and you are not traveling to a Travel Restriction area, then only a Travel Health Plan is needed.

Country Information Resources